14 July 2011

Follow Friday (7)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee
. This is a great way to connect with other bloggers in the blogosphere.
This week's question is
Q. What do I do when I are not reading?
I blog and I draw I also love FaceBook-ing


  1. i am addicted to facebook on my blackberry!

    new follower :)

    my FF

  2. Hopping through. I wish I could draw. I go back and forth on Facebook activity, but I always check it a few times a day.
    My Hop

  3. Hopping by for Follow Friday! You're being followed!

  4. I think I'm allergic to facebook ;)
    New follower!

    Here's my follow friday.

  5. How could I forgot about Facebook? O:

    New follower hopping by (:

  6. I can't go more than two hours without checking my Facebook.

    New Follower
    @Ramblings From This Chick

  7. Yeah I am a facebooker too. Got the whole family on there. lol New Follower!

  8. Ahh a facebooker huh? I'm not a big facebook person. I don't hate it and I have one, I just never really got the hang of how to use it effectively I guess. lol I love twitter though, nice n' easy! :-P

    New follower! :)

    Here's my follow friday and book blog hop for this week.

    ♥ Sarah

  9. LOL I actually don't have Facebook -- lame, I know, right? x) My older sister is in love with it though (and Twitter!), so I guess she does that enough for the both of us! ;)

    Hope you have an awesome weekend!


  10. Hi New Follower thanks to the greatness of #FF!
    I'm a Fair-weather Facebooker at best, but if I didn't have it then I'd never find out what my mates were up to!
    I like the look of Book of Shadows, great snappy review (even if you did give into some seriously bad punning!)
    Drop by and say hi: http://booksforone.blogspot.com/
