13 July 2011

Book Review: Book of Shadows by Cate Tiernan

Sweep, Volume 1 (Book of Shadows; The Coven; Blood Witch)
Book of Shadows by
Cate Tiernan
Publisher: Puffin
Pages: Paperback, 176
Young Adult
Date Published:
March 22nd 2007
Source: Bought
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Morgan and her best friend, Bree, are introduced to Wicca when a gorgeous senior named Cal invites them to join his new coven. Morgan falls for Cal immediately— and discovers that she has strong,inexplicable powers.

     I had been waiting a long time until I was able to read this book. I kept seeing it online and was finally able to purchase it when it was on a buy 3 get one free deal at Books A Million. I'm glad I did pick it up finally. I absolutely enjoyed it. Witches and Wicca has always been one of my favorite things to read about in YA. Cate Tiernan did a great job writing it.
     The main character is Morgan she is your average, not very popular teenage girl. She is kind of a nerd and follows all of her parents rules. But her life changes when she starts experiencing with Wicca with the help of the new guy Cal who tries to form a coven. Her parents become upset when they find out about it because it "goes against their Catholic religion".  She also goes through a lot of drama with her best friend Bree because they both like Cal. Morgan is a great MC.
     Cate Tiernan's writing style was great.She gave Morgan a great voice that was strong. I also loved her descriptions they aren't overly descriptive and create a solid image in your head. I also loved how Cate Tiernan described and told us about the history of Wicca and how it felt when Morgan used the magick. Book of Shadows had  a lot of comical moments and taught you a great deal of things too. Book of Shadows also had both suspense , drama, action, and romance.
     Overall Book of Shadows was an excellent read and I would recommend it to anyone seeking a magical book. ( No pun intended) Wait no all pun intended. Cate Teirnan did a great job and I assure you she will enchant you with her writing (Last pun I swear) . Book of Shadows will keep you bound to its pages till the very end. Go pick up this amazing book it will have you under its spell (I just had to say it) from the beginning.
Overall Rating:

Purchase on Amazon: Book of Shadows (Sweep, No. 1)

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