20 July 2011

Book Review: Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl

Beautiful Darkness (Caster Chronicles, #2)

Beautiful Darkness by
Pages: Hardcover, 503
Young Adult
Date Published:
October 12, 2010
Source: Bought

Ethan Wate used to think of Gatlin, the small Southern town he had always called home, as a place where nothing ever changed. Then he met mysterious newcomer Lena Duchannes, who revealed a secret world that had been hidden in plain sight all along. A Gatlin that harbored ancient secrets beneath its moss-covered oaks and cracked sidewalks. A Gatlin where a curse has marked Lena's family of powerful Supernaturals for generations. A Gatlin where impossible, magical, life-altering events happen.
Sometimes life-ending.
Together they can face anything Gatlin throws at them, but after suffering a tragic loss, Lena starts to pull away, keeping secrets that test their relationship. And now that Ethan's eyes have been opened to the darker side of Gatlin, there's no going back. Haunted by strange visions only he can see, Ethan is pulled deeper into his town's tangled history and finds himself caught up in the dangerous network of underground passageways endlessly crisscrossing the South, where nothing is as it seems.
    Boy was this book a pleasure to read. After my disappointment in the the slow pace of Beautiful Creatures I was elated when I  was reading Beautiful Darkness. I liked Beautiful Creatures but I LOVED Beautiful Darkness. As I said before Kami and Margaret gave us  a faster paced book and made the reading more pleasurable. First I'm going to tell you about the characters.
    The   main character is male which is a great  thing for me since I am male. Ethan was very easy to relate to. His voice was both comical and strong. He was not afraid to show his emotions. His best friend is Link. Link is one of those best friends you've had since the kindergarten and has the perfect mom. ( Yeah you know the type) But even with his Robot Perfect Mom he is a free spirit and would do anything for Ethan. Lena is Ethan's girlfriend who happens to be a Caster. She does a lot to Ethan and that's kind of the focus of the book. Lena has to face her internal conflicts about the claiming(whether she will be Light or Dark) and trying not to kill her human boyfriend. (If that's even possible to prevent) . Beautiful Darkness takes you right from the end of Beautiful Creatures and drops you into the action. And there is even a new girl in town UH-OH !
     The writing is  great. I cant even tell that it was written by two separate people. Both of their styles were the same. They gave each of the characters a distinct voice. I could almost hear the Southern drawl of Gatlin members and the British accent of the new girl in town. I also like their description of Southern living and weather. They didn't give you too much description and you can picture everything perfectly.It was to the T I should know I'm from Georgia. If you want a fast paced magical book you should pick up this second book.
     In all Beautiful Darkness was a marvelous book. I loved every minute of it. It was face paced  and filled with magical elements. You will fall in love with the beautiful south and the realistic characters. Kami and Margaret gave me a book that  didn't disappoint. I promise you will love it. The trance of the Southern magical town of Gatlin is calling you.

Purchase Book 1 from Amazon: Beautiful Creatures
Purchase Beautiful Darkness from Amazon: Beautiful Darkness (Beautiful Creatures, Book 2)

1 comment:

  1. I've been putting off reading this book, but from your review it sounds like it will be faster paced than I thought. That's good news. I'll definitely have to bump it up on my TBR list. Thanks for the review!
