07 June 2013

My Status!

     Hey y'all! Summer Break has finally begun and I have a lot of fun things planned to do not only here on my blog but also on the YA Chat that I run www.paperbacksandparley.blogspot.com . I want to do a lot of post this summer consisting not only of reviews but also unique and creative book related post. I have also started to plan some giveaways and readathons for this summer of fun!    
     So as far as Paperbacks and Parley goes Im looking for some people to help me run it. you can read all the details here : http://paperbacksandparley.blogspot.com/2013/06/we-are-starting-over.html

 Whats Going on With Me:
|Right Now Im Currently Reading |
The Rivals by DaiseyWhitney:
The Rivals (The Mockingbirds, #2)
Im really enjoying the second  installment and you all should expect a review in the coming weeks!
|Books I Plan On Reading Soon|
The Lost Code (The Atlanteans, #1)Feedback (Variant, #2)

1 comment:

  1. I need to read Feedback still. It's on my list though! yay summer break!
