07 June 2012

Armchair BEA Day #4: There's Life Outside of Blogging?

           Hmmmmm...Hmmmm....Hmmmm, this is going to be a hard topic to write about. Beyond The Blog is

 something that I really never address or think about.  I do participate in the Amazon Affiliate program which

 is one in which you can link to books and if someone follows that link and purchases the book or item you

 get a small percent of each sale. The only place I've been asked to write a review outside of blogging is in 

school and those reviews I earn grades for.  Does that count?

           So now on to experiences or invites to events I wouldn't have gone to or been invited to if I wasn't 

blogging. I can only think of when I was invited to publisher breakfasts or lunches at BEA. But sadly I 

couldn't go to BEA. 

           Also I would love to write book reviews for the newspaper but I'm only 16 and my local newspaper 

doesn't really have teen book reviews. They focus mainly on cookbooks or adult books.  I think it would 

lend to a magnificent opportunity. 



  1. I've always wondered what it'd be like to be affiliated with Amazon or book Depository, but I've always been too lazy, haha :)

    Ohmygosh, you should definitely try for a teen book review column! It'd get teens interested in newspapers and reading. Yesyesyes!

    Oh, and I'm a new follower :) You've got a brilliant blog!

    Have a happy armchair BEA!

  2. A teen column is a great idea. You could also look into your school paper or even blogging for publishers!

  3. Hi, sounds like you have some great ideas or are taking steps in the right direction. I think it's just up to you on what you want to do.
