13 April 2012

Random Thoughts #3 on A Friday!

... on a Friday!Today I have a very special guest on the blog. She is one of the bloggers that I've met during my time as a blogger and we are basically BFF's. She is Darla from D For Darla's Definite Reads ( You REALLY must check out her blog. I love It) So to keep me from carrying on any longer here is the interview!

"How are you today Darla?”

Doing pretty good.

“ Well thats great to hear, so you have been blogging for about 1 year which is excellent. How have you seen blogging evolve in that amount of time” 

I can’t say the whole community because I probably only know a tiny fraction of the community. It keeps growing as a whole though. 

“ What would you say is one of the best things about being a blogger?”

Having tons of online friends that you can talk to about anything and everything. 

“ Hahaha. Yeah I agree. So what would you say is one of the worst things about being a blogger if there are any?”

Being criticized for your opinion or being scared to share your opinion for fear of being criticized. 

“ So what are some of the greatest books you’ve read within the last 5 years? This question is the bane of all bloggers”

Five years? One year is too much of books. Okay list....anything by JLA, Dark Hunters series by Sherrilyn Kenyon, Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward, The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, Shatter Me by Taherah Mafi, and I could probably go on. 

“ Any exciting things happen to you during your time as a blogger”

Exciting things...I made online friends, have attended several book events including BEA where I got to meet more friends and some I’ve met online in person. I think just being apart of an awesome community is pretty exciting. 

“ That sounds fun. Anything you want to say to the readers before we start the fun stuff” 

Have fun, read a lot, and do what you want. 


“ I think you have seen this before but when I say ___ you insert first things that comes to your mind” 

“ Pickle”



Young Adult

“ Red”

Music - one of my favorite bands. 

“ iRandomBlogger”

really Patrick. 

“Awesome Sauce”

Loads of awesome. 

“ Twitter”

One obsession where I talk to people I have and have not met yet. 

“ Dipthong”


“ Now for a this or that”

“ Pepsi or Coke”


“Twilight or Harry Potter”

Harry Potter. Sparkling vampires can not compare. 

“ Nook or Kindle”


“ Would you rather face a fire breathing dragon or listening to Friday by Rebecca Black for the rest of your life” 

Do I get a sidekick to fight the dragon? 

“Sure why not”

“Well !Thanks for stopping my Darla anything you want to say before I kick you out... I mean you leave?” 

I got nothing. Thanks for having me.


  1. Hi! I just joined Southern Book Bloggers, and I'm trying to connect with the other people on the site. I'm following your blog now—it's really cute! Here's mine if you want to check it out: www.thisxgirlxreads.blogspot.com

