12 October 2011

Waiting On Wednesday(14)

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking the Spinethat spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
This Week I'm Waiting On:

In the in between are the Nameless; names are for masters and theyhave none. They live in the Nameless realm; between being saved andbeing destroyed. They are Fallen.One Nameless spends his time watching humans in New York City and, inhis endless eternity of boredom, becomes intrigued by a drunk namedAurick Pantera. One day Aurick, a reckless gambler, is about to bekilled by a gang over his debts. Nameless feels sorry for him, and
possesses his body to save his life. He then decides that he rather
likes being in a human body; the chance to taste, smells, and touch.He uses Aurick’s body to fulfill all of his wildest dreams – become arock star, have a successful psychiatric practice, and pursue star journalist Helena Way.Until, three years after possessing Aurick, the other Fallen takenotice of these random achievements and begin appearing to Aurick.They are tired of waiting in Nameless and are ready to start awar—their only chance to cease this painful eternity of waiting andeither be saved or be released. Aurick is stuck in the middle. Join
the ranks and finally be released to Null for atrocities against mankind, or can his love for Helena, his budding friendships, and his
growing concern for all humans grant him salvation?

Expected Publication Date: January 10, 2012 by Karen Hunter Publishing

Giveaway Alert!

Author Kyle Chais is giving out an autographed copy of NAMELESS as
soon as he hits 500 followers on Twitter! Follow @NamelessTheBook -
http://twitter.com/#!/namelessthebook by 10/16 for a chance to win!


  1. this is the second time I see this book and Im seriously adding it to my to-read list =D

    btw, new follower XD so nice to meet you my dear huhuhu!! =P

    I also wanted to invite you to my great international giveaway!! there are 12 different titles from where you can choose!


    My WoW


    Take care and Happy reading! =D

  2. Wow really interesting sounding book, I will definitely have to check it out. =]
    Here is my Wow

  3. I saw this one for the first time yesterday and it sounds pretty good and original. Great pick!

    Xpresso Reads
