03 September 2011

Labor Day Weekend Read-A-Thon!

It's about that time again. And this time its the Labor Day Read- A - Thon hosted by Katie over at Katie's Book Blog. Here are the details:

It will take place from 12:01 AM on September 3 to 11:59 PM on September 5!
Here are the books I plan on reading!
Guardian of the DeadPossessSweetly (Fairytale Retellings, #2)All These Things I've DoneEyes in the MirrorVariant
           Means Finished
Guardian of the Dead by Karen Healey
Possess by Gretchen McNeil 
Sweetly by Jackson Pearce
All These Things Ive Done by Gabrielle Zevin
Eyes in the Mirror by Julia Mayer
Variant by Robison Wells

Boy is that a lot. This means lots of coffee and less Twitter. I don't know if I can do it. 
What are your goals and plans? Comment Below.


  1. I'm not participating, no time, but good luck & happy reading!!!

  2. Great list! I hope you read and enjoy them all. =)

  3. Goal: 6 books. Plans: Coffee, coffee, and more coffee. And no facebook. :) Good luck!

  4. Good luck, that's a big list! I can't wait to hear what you think of All These Things I've Done... I've been pining for it since I first heard of it! I'm taking a break just to say hello to other read-a-thon peeps. Hi! Happy reading :). ~ Jen @ A Book and a Latte
