22 September 2011

Follow Friday (11)

Friday is hosted by Parajunkee. This is a great way to connect with other bloggers in the blogosphere.
This week's question is:

Q. Do you have a favorite series that you read over and over again? Tell us a bit about it and why you keep on revisiting it?

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)

A series I absolutely love to revisit and reread is the Percy Jackson Series. Rick is so funny and his characters and story is so amazing I just love them!


  1. I love this series! I found it during 8th grade (2010) and I couldn't believe I didn't read it earlier! Regardless, Percy Jackson series is awesome! Actually, I love all Rick Riordan's book! Love your blog layout ♥ +New follower ;)

  2. Old follower returning the visit! I'm a big fan of Percy, too, and especially Annabeth because she's a smart character.

  3. I am glad we are now fellow followers-I really like your blog design and your use of colors-I am looking forward to reading your future posts

  4. Hopping through. I can't believe I haven't read Percy Jackson yet. I keep meaning to.
    My Hop

  5. I hear a lot about this but I've never read it. :P Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  6. Thanks for following, now following you back.

    I really have to start this series I have the first book and it interests me, but there's just so many books to read, haha. Soon!

  7. I love your blog...new follower & I love this series (borrowed from my son)...

  8. Someone got me this series for my birthday! I'm loving the mythology trend in YA right now, so I really should read this! Nice pick!!

  9. I haven't read this series but I have heard a lot of good things about it. I want to check it out.
    My FF:

  10. Hi & Happy Friday!

    I haven't read this series but it sounds great :)

    Thank-you for stopping by my blog earlier www.obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com

    Have a great weekend..

  11. An excellent choice! I read The Lightning Thief in July and then had my brother read it once I was done. We really do need to get that boxed set that released at the end of August. I thought Riordan did a fantastic job in his portrayals of Ares and Dionysus. Oh, and the main characters were great, too. (Forgive me, I'm a Greek Myth nut.)

  12. Hi from a new follower! My son has got this series - maybe I'll have to dip into it myself one day.

  13. I got this series because my brother wanted to read it, but I didn't bother with it thinking I wouldn't like it. Boy was I wrong! I finally got to read this series this summer and I loved it! I definitely think it's worth a re-read later.
    New follower. Happy friday and have a great weekend! :)
    Amy's Follow Friday

    Check out my Summer Favorites Giveaway!

  14. I've only read the first Percy Jackson book. I'm looking forward to finishing the series though.

  15. I loved the Percy Jackson series, and almost used it as part of my answer! I ended up listing The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan instead! If you haven't read those yet, you should! I listened to the audiobooks and LOVED THEM! Great FF! You can check out mine over at Fuzzy.Coffee.Books!
    Courtney @ Fuzzy.Coffee.Books

  16. I haven't read this series yet, but I've been meaning to. I just have so much other stuff to read, and since I don't own it I sort of put it off haha.

    My Follow Friday

  17. Hi Patrick... Thanks for stopping by! I haven't read Percy Jackson yet, but I have been told on multiple occassions that I should!

  18. I don't really reread, to many books to read. :)

    New follower!


  19. I am putting this on my to be read list!
    New Follower

  20. I've heard so many good things about these books, I can't wait until I get some time to pick them up!
    Thanks for following, and I followed back :)

  21. I saw the movie before I knew this was a book series, and I loved it! I've always been really into Greco-Roman mythology. I would love to read the books.
