28 July 2011

Follow Friday (8)

Friday is hosted by Parajunkee. This is a great way to connect with other bloggers in the blogosphere.
This week's question is
Q. Let's step away from books for a second and get personal. What T-Shirt slogan best describes you?
I wear it for the laughs


  1. Great answer! I'm a new follower! My answer is up at Coffee Table Reviews

  2. Happy FF from a returning follower. Nice choice; I love that song.

    ~Daniel A. Kaine - http://shikiharu.blogspot.com~

  3. hehehehe! I have popeye earrings I wear when I need a pick me up hehe

    - Kylie


  4. bahahah OMG love it! Now I kind of wanna buy all these t-shirts...then I can be funny t-shirt girl and get everyone to love me...

  5. Hopping through. Hilarious T-shirt! Love Popeye.
    My Hop

  6. That shirt makes me giggle, I would absolutely wear it:) Just popping in on the follow, glad to be a new follower here! Hope you have a great weekend:)

    Jenny @ Supernatural Snark

  7. Hopping Through. Old Follower. Just stopping by.

  8. I love the shirt. Made me laugh out loud!

    Thanks for the follow, returning the love!
    Happy Friday!

    My Follow Friday Fun!!!

  9. LoL. Nice. :-) I like it.

    Thanks for stopping by and following. :-)

  10. Haha, omg I love that shirt. Followed back! Have a great weekend. :)

    -Pepa @ Anonymous Reads

  11. ummm this is my favorite slogan so far :)

    best line: I got my swim trunks and my flippy floppies
    ....:) I literally guffaw every time.

    I'm a new follower! Have a great Friday/weekend!

  12. Lol...deefinitely makes me laugh.

  13. Love it! Made me laugh. Happy weekends! And thanks for stopping by my blog.

  14. This reminds me of that Song :) and I love Popeye . I own a Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle Tshirt I wear to work. New Follower

  15. Hi there, new follower here! I love that shirt slogan - and your blog! :)

    Here's mine:


  16. I LOVE your t-shirt slogan! It's just pure awesomeness! I went on a class camping trip two years back and we had to canoe for two hours -- so it was two hours straight of one of my guy friends constantly screaming, "I'm on a boat!"

    Even though we all just said, "You're on a canoe!" x)

    Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm following you back for sure! :)

    Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  17. Funny shirt. I'm a new follower. I noticed you'll be reviewing Beautiful Creatures soon. If you like paranormal romances I'm giving away two this week (Cold Kiss ARC & Signed Forever).

  18. Oh, now I have that song stuck in my head. lol Also, I loved Popeye when I was little. Hated spinach though.


  19. Oh dear. Must be a reference to popular culture that I have missed. I feel so out of things at times.

    Here's my Book Blogger Hop and Follow Friday for this week: BBH and FF: Bonjour! Enchanté! ¡Buenos días!
    And I hope you will stop in to throw your hat into the ring for my July Giveaway! Win a $25 Amazon gift card!
