30 June 2011

Follow Friday (6)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee. This is a great way to connect with other bloggers in the blogosphere.
This weeks Follow Friday Question is:
Q. ACK! Your favorite book/movie character (example Hermione Granger played by the Emma chick) just walked into the room! Who is it and what would be your first reaction? You get extra points if you include visual stimulation.

It would be Voldemort casting the Avada Kedavra. Of course not a me. So I would probably start cowering in fear in a corner.


  1. I only expected to see a bunch of hot guys on these Friday Follow posts, glad to see something different! I've never seen/read Harry Potter, but I feel like someday I'm going to have to so I don't feel so left out :)

  2. Hopping by to visit and follow! It's cool that you chose a villain. :-)

  3. Interesting choice, but Voldemort scares the wizard out of me.

  4. Hi,

    great choise!
    have a wonderfull weekend

  5. Very brave answer choosing the baddie - I love it.
    Have a good weekend.
    Lauren's Hop

  6. Ha, I'd probably run screaming the other way if I met Voldemort...but nice choice! Here's my FF!

    -Jessica (Peace Love Books)

  7. Hi,

    I love your blog. I'm a new follower just hopping by to say hello.

    Great answer, although if it was me I'd have been running before he could find me.

    My FF: http://shadowsireview.blogspot...

    Char =)

  8. Yay! Another Voldemort fan :)
    New follower

    Here's mine:

  9. Yeah I think I'd be hiding far, far away from that scene. Death curses gone awry aren't my thing.

    I also wanted to personally invite you to the 2011 Declare Your Independence Indie Author Giveaway Carnival at my blog, What Book is That?. A different indie author will be featured every day in July and new giveaways are going live almost daily- today's giveaway is for a $25 Amazon gift card!

  10. showing some follow friday love!

    check out my blog

    new follower :)

  11. Hi from Follow Friday. Following you on GFC, Twitter and Goodreads. Looking forward to a visit/follow from you. Donna


  12. Check out Teen Fiction Centre's brand new blog-hop, the Weekly Book Blog Bonanza, find some great blogs, and get some new followers!
