23 June 2011

Follow Friday (5)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee. This is a great way to connect with other bloggers in the blogosphere.
This weeks Follow Friday Question is:
Q. In light of the Summer Solstice. Also known as Midsummer...let's talk about fairies. What is your favorite fairy tale or story that revolves around the fae?

My favorite fairy tale is Peter Pan. I love Peter Pan. My favorite character has to be Captain Hook. And the idea of Neverland is awesome! Being a kid forever!


  1. Interesting choice. Like how nice your blog looks. Came through the hop. New follower.

  2. Gosh, i havent seen Peter Pan in i dont know how long. Ill have to go buy it and re watch it =]

    New follower. Love the blog!!


  3. Hi, there. Old follower stopping by. I could never really get into the actual Peter Pan story. Just one of those things, I guess. Happy hopping!

    Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter

  4. New Follower.

    Great blog! I was never into Peter Pan but the idea of being a kid forever sounds like fun.

    Have a great weekend,
    Erika@Let's talk about books

  5. New follower. I liked the story when I was younger, but I'm not super crazy about it now. It was fun though!

  6. Hi & Happy Friday :)

    I love Peter Pan, a great choice!

    My FF, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com

    Have a nice weekend.

  7. HI,

    I love peter pan...!

    Have a great weekend!


  8. Hi, (New Follower) Great Pick! I just reread Peter Pan a few weeks ago.
    Happy Friday

  9. Hi there, new follower here from the hop! Love your blog! :)

    Peter Pan is a great choice!

  10. Peter Pan's great!

    I'm a new follower btw and I'd love if you'd follow back.

  11. Hi! I'm a new follower here from Follow Friday and I would love if you'd stop by and check out my blog!

    For the Love of Books

    I adore Peter Pan. One of my deepest secrets is that I used to dream he was my "boyfriend" and we'd hold hands lol

  12. Hooray for Peter Pan!

    Two novels that might have slipped you by... both great.

    A novel that’s based on Barrie’s own notes for more adventure! Hook's not in it (since he dies) but there's a new Barrie-created adversary for Peter... Click!

    You'll find Hook is sort of the focus in this cool ‘What if?’ story charting a new course for it all while anchored in Barrie’s core ideas and theme (but it’s NOT for kids!): Click!


  13. Peter Pan is amazing. I always wanted to be Wendy when I was little. Nice answer.

    Here's my Friday http://amysadumbrations.blogspot.com/2011/06/follow-friday-5-and-tgif-2.html

    Amy@adumbrations (new follower)

  14. Hey there, I found your blog via Follow Friday, and I'm your latest follower!

    If you get a moment, head over to Teen Fiction Centre and have a look around!

  15. Peter Pan is the very best...that's my answer too!
    We found your blog through Follow Friday! Have a great weekend!

    Tammy(& Mike)

  16. I used to love Peter Pan, especially Tinkerbell. Have a great weekend.

  17. Hi, New Follower. I love the Meredith Gentry Series but for fairy tales, I don't know. Peter Pan would be big. Come on by! Enter my hop contest!<a href="http://fangswandsandfairydust.com”)> Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust</a>

  18. Stopping by via Parajunkee's Follow Friday Hop. I'm a new follower.
    Have a great weekend!

    Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

  19. Hi! Hope you're having a great weekend!

    Peter Pan is a great pick!--I totally agree about Neverland!!!


  20. Ooh, have you read Sarah Rees Brennan's story on Peter Pan in Kiss Me Deadly? It was pretty fun & a nice take on Pan's schemes ;p. Have a great weekend!

    -Christina Reads YA

  21. Hopping through. Peter Pan is a cute story. I loved Hook best of all.
    My Hop
