16 June 2011

Follow Friday (4)

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee. This is a great way to connect with other bloggers in the blogosphere.
This weeks Follow Friday Question is:
Q. Genre Wars! What's your favorite genre and which book in that genre made it your favorite?
Gone (Gone, #1)
My favorite genre is Dystopian and it has to be Gone that made it my favorite genre. It was so good and I loved every moment. Even with the huge size.

What's yours?


  1. Hey stopping by from PJ's Follow Friday. New Follower. My pick is romance, it the story has romance in it then I'll read it! Looking forward to more posts. Have a great weekend!

    Tania @ Literary Cravings

  2. Hopping through. I'm not a big dystopia fan although I like some books. I should try Gone.
    New Twitter follower. Old GFC follower.
    My Hop

  3. Stopping by to say hi. I'm a new follower. My favorite genre is Paranormal Romance but I've recently started YA romance and that's quickly becomming one of my favorites.


  4. Hi & Happy Friday!

    I chose UF this week :)


    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Old follower dropping in. I chose steampunk this week, though I read a lot of PR, UF, and dystopian, as well. Happy Friday!

  6. I've seen dystopia picked most so far! It's really a growing genre. New follower just hopping by! ^_^

    ~Shalena @ Writer Quirk

  7. New follower just stopping by to say hi and Happy Friday!

    I chose romance in general because I love it all. But I'm mostly a historical romance junkie.

  8. I really, really want to read Gone!
    Here's my follow friday.

  9. Hi,

    stopping by for the follow friday!
    I am not that familiar with dystopian books.
    have a wonderfull weekend
    Kyanara from the Life of a BookAholic

  10. I've never heard of Gone before I'll have to check that one out. New follower, Happy FF!!

  11. Hey there, hopping on by from the FF! I chose dystopian too-- I think there is so much that author's can do with this genre and I love reading about the different worlds that they create and the different future scenarios... Haven't read Gone yet, I will have to check it out!

    Have a great weekend :)

    ~Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  12. I'm dropping by from the FF to say HI! I'm on a big Dystopian kick right now so right now it's my favorite genere too...the books that made it my favorite are The Hunger Games trilogy and Divergent.

    New follower

  13. Dystopia's my fave too! I love reading the world's the author can imagine. I really liked Gone too; The Hunger Games is what really started it for me though.

    I'm a new follower, have a great weekend!
    My FF

  14. Hi, I'm checking out your blog from Follow Friday! I love dystopians too, and I've been meaning to read the Gone series for a long time. Everyone says it's so good! For me, it was 1984 that got me into it.

    Izzy @ My Words Ate Me

  15. Asking me to Pick my favorite genre is like asking me to pick my favorite food; There's no way I can come up with just one answer!

    Follow me back to my blog and I'll explain - http://www.howardsherman.net

    Thank G-d it's Follow Friday!

    Howard Sherman

  16. Hey, stopping by and I'm a new follower! Love your blog, it looks great. I'm kind of new to YA books, even more so to dystopians, but I do really enjoy them now.

    You can check out my post *HERE*

  17. Hey stopping by from follow friday, great choices & great blog! Looking forward to more posts. Have a great weekend. New follower!

    Darcy @ Open Book Empty Cup

  18. Hey you! I'm a new follower! Wonderful site, can't wait to see what you post next!
    Have a great week. Happy Reading!!!
    See ya,
    Readaholics Anonymous
